Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hello, my name is Ethan Moeller and I am from Elma, New York, a small town outside of Buffalo. I am interested mainly in Military History, Social Psychology, and Dystopian English novels. I am also a Brony, or a fan of My Little Pony and I am fairly open about it. I do support the LGBTQ community and I am also very interested in affairs that affect it, specifically those revolving on the less known Transgender community. I am also very interested in issues pertaining to Constitutional Law and I love learning about cases, both past and present. I can be reached at 

In order for me to be comfortable in a course and to take risks, I need the feeling of security and acceptance. Being a little more introverted, shy, and critical of myself, if I feel that I may have any form of resistance or animosity, I may not share my opinions and positions with the class. I also need to feel comfortable with the people I am with and I need to know them. It is easier for me to share ideas with people I know then complete strangers. If these two elements are not present, there is a greater chance that I will not take a risk. I have many ideas that I would like to enact or talk about or research, but I am scared how they will be taken by the class as a whole. Until I feel more comfortable and I sense that they are truly accepting, I will not come forward with them. I apologize for this.

The most important technological development in history to me is the telegraph. The reason for this is the increased speed of communication that came from this development. The Crimean War, for example, was the first war in which papers in England could get real time reports from someone on the front in Russia. It started the information and social media revolution that we see the effects of today.

Justice, to me, is ensuring the fair and equal treatment of another human. It is also ensuring that in any issues that arise, the judgement passed down is fair and unbiased, that all parties get what they deserve. Social Justice is when society takes this to heart and enacts it on a larger scale. One person can enact Justice, but when society as a whole tries to do so, it becomes Social Justice. So, it is a societal wide implementation of just policies. The top three main issues to me are LGBTQ issues, Gun Rights, and Race Politics. 

In my pursuit of Social Justice, I have only ever done one thing, and it was in High School. The administrators had just banned food trucks and everyone was fairly upset. I simply tried to get a petition together to challenge this ruling and show that the school was against it. After a few days of no support, I quit because I didn't see the point of fighting for those who didn't want to fight for themselves. 

My Questions: 

Where did you get the idea for this type of class? I find it very interesting because it is just so radically different from any other class I have taken. 

What are the class's thoughts on the idea of sexuality and gender identity? How can we educate the class and others on these complex and personal issues? 

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